My internet is down. Obviously, if you’re reading this, I got it back up, but as of press time I am unable to do any research for my own personal fulfillment. Basically, I’m saying that this blog will be posted with absolutely no research, therefore, my numbers may be a tad off.
Question at hand: Midgets make up what percentage of the World’s population?
Now, before I get into my own theories, let me explain that I am addicted to the internet. Mostly, for social networking and the occasional flash game, but really it’s the abundance of information at my fingertips that brings me to google and wikipedia daily. If I have a problem or a question of any kind, I’ll go to yahoo questions before I phone a friend.
From time to time, I need to know a semi-random fact. In this case, how many midgets there are for every 100 non-midgets. Personally, I’m not sure where I fall in, measuring in at just under 5 feet tall. I think that technically makes me a midget, but again, I’m without internets so I can’t say for sure.
I thought maybe 1%. No, that can’t be right. If you go to a concert with 3,000 people at it, you’re not going to see 30 midgets. Maybe the percentage is higher, though. If you’ve ever seen a certain Judy Garland film, you’ll notice that in the first scene in color there are hundreds of midgets and only three normal sized people, and one of those people is a dog, so I’m not sure that counts. But if you based your numbers on this certain scene, you’d think that non-midgets were the minority.
In my life, I’ve met two. I’ve met a lot of people, and only two of them are of such small stature. Wait, I’m remembering one that a childhood friend had living in her basement, so I guess my total is up to three. TLC would have you believe that the whole world, or at least the whole world of reality TV is made up of nothing but midgets. Shows like “Little People Big World” introduced most of us to the life of a small human, but really, how often do you actually see one?
Internet up. Answer: 0.00025%